Current Openings

For openings, please check the links below.

Faculty Positions

Prospective Faculty members should visit the Institute career page for current openings. Open positions may also be advertised at the top of this page. The interested candidates may also write directly to hodmme [at]

Faculty members in MME enjoy a stimulating atmosphere within the department and a generous start-up funding. Within the department, we look to work collaboratively as well as individually and welcome a diversity of thoughts.

Staff Positions

Staff positions within the department are usually adminsitrative (office assistants and secretaries) or technical (lab assistants and superintendents).

Details regarding staff hiring can be found in the Institute Careers page or at the top of this page.

Post-Doc/RA Positions

Details of Institute post-doc positions can be found here or at the top of this page (if available).  Additionally, interested candidates may contact individual faculty members prior to applying.

Post-Doc positions as funded RAs (Research Associates) may also be available, in which case they will be mentioned here, or at the top of this page.

PDF positions, if available within a group, may sometimes be advertised on the individual research group pages.

PhD/JRF/SRF Positions

The interested candidates are advised to visit our page on the PhD program for modes of application. This page will take you to the admissions portal for PhD programs. Additionally, these positions may also be annouced at the top of this page.

Open positions for JRFs and SRFs can be viewed here. These positions, if available, may also be announced at the top of this page or individual research group pages.